Okinawa Chiropractic Center - Doc Holliday :: Okinawa City, Moromizato 2-Chome 13-12

Chiropractic Est. 1895

Ethical Practice - Modern Technique



Established Client

$70.00 (Please Remit in USD)

For returning clients in follow-up or wellness visits. As always we choose specific technique(s) based upon the issues and client presentation.

Most clients will best benefit from the mainstay 'Thompson Terminal Point Drop Technique' which, is a HVLF (High-Velocity/Low-Force) method of adjusting.

Other technique(s) may include 'Toggle Recoil - Upper Cervical Specific', Low Force Instrument adjustments, or Gonstead Full Spine methods.




New Client or Reactivation

$80.00 (Please Remit in USD)

Your initial chiropractic visit includes intake, history and your first adjustment. The technique(s) used will depend upon the issues and presentation.

Any pertinent medical reports or imaging should be hand-carried to your appointment. Japanese regulations do not permit us to perform medical tests or imaging.

A plan of action will be determined based upon issue(s) and the presentation of any specific complaints.


Convenient Online Booking System

* Book 'em, Reschedule 'em, Cancel 'em'

* Using Reschedule and Cancellation requires providing a valid email account


What is Chiropractic?

A Brief, Disjointed Summary

Chiropractic as developed in the west, has existed as a profession since 1895 when D.D. Palmer reasoned his way through the first successfully executed and documented adjustment on a patient by the name of Harvey Lillard. Reportedly, the objective of the first adjustment was to replace a vertebra to proper function and to "relieve pressure upon the nerves affected therein". The resounding success of this first chiropractic adjustment marked the beginning of chiropractic as a fledgling healthcare profession.

What followed was a 100plus-year history of a profession striving to develop the science to explain the success of spinal adjustments; All the while helping millions of people - with various aches, pains, and postural distortions. The fact that chiropractic started this way is still a sticking point with medical practitioners who may fail to recall the massive harm done by early physicians while developing the medical model of care.

One thing that cannot be disputed is that every year, millions of chiropractic adjustments are successfully and safely delivered. Additionally, client satisfaction and loyalty to chiropractic is unparalleled in the natural healthcare arena. It seems self-evident that; If chiropractic were not an effective therapeutic tool, then certainly it would not be so popular.

Another point which cannot be disputed is this: Chiropractic is safe and effective for a wide variety of musculoskeletal issues. And, actual injury from chiropractic care is RARE - Contrasted with the annual tally of over 150,000 medically-caused DEATHS which, has still gone unchecked despite a raging opioid epidemic which has been indisputedly caused by this modern medical 'standard of care' in the west.

Of course, no origin story is quite so simple. The medical association (AMA), seeing this clearly results-based competitive practice becoming a threat, immediately began an all-out propaganda assault on the fledgling profession which, continues to rage as a full-on war of words and research papers. It seems that both corners fail to recognize that their respective professions complement each other very well.

Chiropractors initally approach care in a manner similar to that used in conventional medicine. They interview the client, obtain a history, examine the client, perhaps do tests, and develop a working plan for approaching the issue. They then start treatment, and monitor the patient’s progress or in simpler cases educate the client to self-monitor, make lifestyle corrections and/or recommend consultation with other specialists. Chiropractors often address problems related to the musculoskeletal system which may cause acute or persistent discomfort or dysfunction.

The manual treatment methods used by chiropractors range from stretching and sustained pressure to specific joint adjustments using one of the many techniques available to the practitioner. These adjustments which are usually delivered by hand generally involve a quick directed thrust. The purpose of the adjustment is to improve joint motion and overall function as well as assisting the whole body in 'decompensating' from the pre-adjusted stresses. Chiropractic adjustments are most commonly done on the spine, but other parts of the body may also be treated in this way.

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